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tall ceramic vase with china great wall


dear peter hello look kindly at this tall ceramic vase with china great wall what is your comments
best regard

Comments for tall ceramic vase with china great wall

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Oct 24, 2013
I need help, i have the exact vase. Need any information regarding price, etc.
by: kellywilco

My father was in the Navy many years ago, he has passed away. The exact 5 ft. vase was left to me. As seen in your collections of chinese vases. I would appreciate any information, price, if available, any and all would be very helpful, I also have another vase left to me, from the "Great Wall China", standing 7ft. in height.
Please respond at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your time.

Nov 24, 2011
by: peter

This is the same vase with the mark I already told you about. This is all new, not antique or vintage.

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