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2 chinese figures china stamp in red and chop mark on bottom 9-10 inches tall...i circled chop mark

by rosemary
(plymouth meeting, pennsylvania)

can you tell me about these figures....i cant read chop mark..both have a chop mark and both have a red china stamp on them...anyone know approximately how old they are? they remind me of the 1890's china dolls i collect..the paint and hair and face....any knowledge on them is appreciated.i used my scanner and as these figures are not flat i couldnt get the scan to show the beauty... in advance, thank you, rosemary

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Apr 03, 2012
I have a pair also but dressed different
by: Dan

I bought mine at a yard sale last year. The elderly lady I got them from told me that she had purchased them from a very old man. She said his house was filled with oriental antiques & that he told her that he had been in the oriental antique business years before. I like them very much. Mine have different clothing painted on them. My research on the internet shows them also to be from the 1st 30 years of the twentieth century but I have a feeling there's a good chance they could be older. I believe the Chinese characters on my 2 are readable. I believe them to be very precious, at least they are to me. Dan

Feb 09, 2012
thank you peter
by: rosemary

thank you....i have been looking all over the web and cant see one like them....

Feb 09, 2012
by: peter

Probably made within the first 30 years of the 20th century.

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