Forum Posting Rules

Guidelines to Observe
in addition to the standard forum rules.

In order to keep this forum on track we need to emphasize the following rules for posting, in addition to the standard forum rules.
Non-observation of these few basic rules can get the poster banned.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Posting Rules:

  1. Do not enter your email or contact details in the message body - for protection of your privacy they will be deleted.
  2. No abusive or derogatory language, no attacks on other posters, or other offensive posts please.
  3. Post only queries related to antique Chinese or Asian porcelain. Or, ask whether your item IS Chinese antique porcelain. (We allow queries to determine if an item is antique or not!)
  4. You are welcome to comment on other visitors' submissions, but you may not give advice to other visitors if you are a novice in the field of Chinese ceramics. Your "view" alone does not make you an expert or give you the right to criticize other's comments.
    You should have been studying ceramics for at least several years before being able to give a reliable opinion. (When referring to someone else's comment, always consider that the other party could be more experienced in specific fields than you.)
  5. No Buying/Selling within the forum
    This blog may not be used for offering/selling ceramics of any type to visitors or third parties. However, it is all right to ask for opinions on where to sell or buy.
  6. For using 3rd party pictures, please see FAQ.
  7. Do not use live links to point to external websites, please. We are grateful if you could remove the http:// or https:// headers when posting links.

    This forum is for the purpose of helping other collectors, exchanging relevant experiences, etc. 
    In case of any related problem, please contact the moderator or admin.


Please note that this is a moderated forum. Moderators are volunteers and it may often take a day or more until a submission is checked, especially on weekends.

Due to numerous registrations by forum spam bots, visitors need to enter the word "porcelain" during registration, in order to verify that this is not a bot registration.

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