

中文 英文
磕, 磕傷 chip
hairline, crack
開片 crackles
粘 沙 sand adhering
斑 點 spots, dots
漏 釉 missing glaze
磨釉, 傷釉 scratched, damaged glaze
驚釉 small crackles
釉泡 glaze bubbles
剝釉 glaze peeling off
縮釉 glaze contraction
炸 釉 temperature cracks
爆釉 shallow spot of missing glaze
磨口 ground mouth
脫 釉 loss of glaze
磨 底 ground bottom
截 口 sawn mouth
蟑 螂咬 flea bites, rim fritting
毛邊,毛口 mouth, rim missing glaze
重皮 glaze unstable
棕 眼 minute bubble holes
傷彩 worn decoration
后加彩 newly painted decoration
鑿傷 chiseled surface
失亮 dull glaze
崩釉 natural crackles
軟 道 miniscule scratching
脫彩 loss of decoration
窯 傷 kiln damage
炸 底 cracked bottom
水 鏽 rust spots
磨 款 mark ground off
土 蝕 soil degradation
窯 封,窯裂 glaze separation
窯粘 adhering material
窯縫 body split
缺 碴 missing fragment(s)
粘 傷 glue repair
復燒 second firing
煙 熏 smoking
配 腿 repairing legs
翹稜 warping
炸 紋 cracks (incl. spider cracks)
凸心 convex bottom
凹底 concave bottom
串煙 smoking, oxidation in kiln
補 釉 chip glazing and firing
蕎麥地 miniscule black dots in glaze
黃溢 impurities showing through glaze
假 出土 fake excavation
鑲嘴流 replaced spout
火 石紅 red firing color
后作陽文款 later engraved mark w/glaze
后刻陰款 later engraved mark
糊米底 scorched bottom
火 燒 altered appearance
鋦傷 staple repair
污水水浸泡 unremovable staining

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